Victor Wang SM '12
- CEO,
Victor is CEO of and PI on NIH National Institute of Nursing Research award R44NR017842 (“A Protocol-Driven, Digital Conversational Agent at the Hospital Bedside to Support Nurse Teams and to Mitigate Delirium and Falls Risk”), congressional Department of Defense award W81XWH-18-1-0634 (“Digital Avatars for Psychosocial and Integrative Health Support of Veterans with Spinal Cord Injury and Disorders”), and NIH National Cancer Institute award R44CA236253 (“A Bedside Relational Agent to Improve Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Outcomes in Cancer Patients”).
Victor got started tinkering with tech at age six, programming role-playing games for MS-DOS. He worked in telemarketing, environmental research, aerospace manufacturing, particle physics, oil sands, medical robotics, and the military, graduating as Wesbrook Scholar from UBC. In completing his Master’s degree at MIT, he worked on NASA-sponsored human-machine interaction research and a clinical study at Brigham & Women’s Hospital. His aging grandmother inspired him to start, a company that supports patients and care teams, improving outcomes by leveraging a unique fusion of human and software intelligence.