Swami Sivasubramanian
Vice President AI
- Amazon Web Services
I run AWS AI and Machine learning initiatives. For more details on Amazon AI services – please see: https://aws.amazon.com/amazon-ai/ and https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/ai/
Previously, I was the General Manager of NoSQL and some big data services in AWS. I manage the engineering, product management and operations for core AWS database services that are the foundational building blocks for AWS: DynamoDB, Amazon ElastiCache (in-memory engines), Amazon QuickSight, SimpleDB and a few other big data services in the works. I have been awarded more than 150 patents, authored around 40 referred scientific papers and journals, and participate in several academic circles and conferences.
In addition to these, I was part of the team that built several AWS Services like CloudFront, Amazon RDS, Amazon S3, Amazon’s Paxos based lock service, original Amazon Dynamo etc. I was also one of the main authors for Amazon Dynamo paper (http://bit.ly/1mDs0Yh) along with Werner Vogels. Amazon Dynamo now is the foundation for many other NoSQL systems like Riak, Cassandra and Voldemort.
If you are looking to join a team that is building something big, reach out to me – swami@amazon.com or swamis@gmail.com.
Note about openings:
We are looking to fill a role of Director of Engineering. The ideal candidate will be some passionate about building large scale distributed systems and databases with proven track record of building awesome products and manage large teams. I also have bunch of leadership roles and IC roles available in my team. If interested, please email me.