Pranab Sharma SM '12
Head Of Pricing
- Cloudflare, Inc.
Pranab is our VP of Membership and Growth, helping to grow MITCNC’s membership using analytics and awesome member events, including the exclusive 49ers Game Experience featuring a pre-game talk by the team’s Chief Revenue Officer.
Why did you decide to volunteer with the MITCNC?
I’ve been an active participant in MITCNC events for the past several years. I enjoyed and appreciated how much value the club provides to alums and members of the club. I volunteer to further that mission as well as interact with amazing club volunteers, club leaders and MIT alums in Northern California.
Tell us a bit about your role with the MITCNC. What are your responsibilities in this position?
I lead membership for the club which includes encouraging the MIT alums in Northern California to engage as members in the Club. I also lead growth initiatives that are backed by data e.g. identifying which events have the highest number of first time attendees and trying to craft future ones to engage under-represented segments.
What exciting things can we expect to see from your area of focus in the coming months? (e.g., social events, speakers, etc.)
Continue adding value to the MITCNC membership with members-only events and perks. Stay tuned!
Describe one of your most memorable MIT moments.
Participating in the campus-wide MIT version of Gangnam Style!