Nelson Lin SM '87, PhD '91
- AbbVie
How did Nelson get involved with MITCNC? At a Berkeley event, not an MIT one! Read more about Nelson’s role with MITCNC, and how much he enjoys contributing to the phenomenal community of alumni we have here.
Why did you decide to volunteer with the MITCNC?
I was actually at a Berkeley alumni event when I ran into an MIT alum who recruited me. Ever since, I’ve found it extremely fun and fulfilling to meet fellow alums and contribute to the community of alums in the Bay Area.
Tell us a bit about your role with the MITCNC. What are your responsibilities in this position?
I don’t really do too much. The Board’s main role is one of governance. But the club has had some amazing Presidents, so we pretty much just stay out of the way.
What exciting things can we expect to see from your area of focus in the coming months? (e.g., social events, speakers, etc.)
The leadership team under Shuja’s direction has really taken the club to new heights, so some of the things I’m excited about are Tim’s Garage and, in the Fall, the annual Spotlight event.
Describe one of your most memorable MIT moments.
I have too many great memories to choose from. I really look back fondly on all the friends I met — in particular friends I played volleyball with, friends from my dorm (Ashdown House), and from my department (Course X).