Mark Skylar-Scott PhD '13
Assistant Professor
- Stanford Bioengineering and the Children’s Heart Center
Mark Skylar-Scott received his B.A. and M.Eng. degrees in Engineering at the University of Cambridge in 2007. For his doctoral thesis under the guidance of Prof. M. Fatih Yanik at MIT, he developed multiphoton photopatterning techniques to print full length proteins on 2D surfaces and in 3D scaffolds to probe and direct neural and vascular growth. For his postdoctoral research at Harvard and the Wyss Institute with Prof. Jennifer Lewis, he performed 3D bioprinting of thick and vascularized tissues, and invented new high-throughput multimaterial multinozzle 3D printing systems. Now, as an Assistant Professor at Stanford Bioengineering and the Children’s Heart Center, Mark aims to develop new 3D printing hardware, wetware, and software to accelerate cardiovascular tissue engineering towards thick, vascularized, and functionally therapeutic organs.