Julia Yoo SB '10, MBA '14
Global Sales Strategy
- Autodesk
Julia Yoo is the Host and Co-Founder of the MIT Catalysts Podcast. She is an MIT 2010 undergrad, and 2014 graduate of Sloan. She is currently a Sales Strategy Manager at Autodesk.
Why did you decide to volunteer with the MITCNC?
MIT has shaped me so much — I want to give back to this community of phenomenal alumni.
Tell us a bit about your role with the MITCNC. What are your responsibilities in this position?
Create and source content, find guests that fit our mission, collaborate with our amazing editor and producer (Irena) — and best of all, interview & get to know our guests!
What exciting things can we expect to see from your area of focus in the coming months? (e.g., social events, speakers, etc.)
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Describe one of your most memorable MIT moments.
I remember getting a 45 / 100 on an exam and feeling like the dumbest person in the world. Then I found out the average was 48 / 100 with a standard deviation of 7, so I felt slightly better. #behumble