Startup Monthly Happy Hour
Sep 03 - Virtual Event

Gather round our virtual Startup Happy Hour bar! Mr. will be our host, prompting 1-on-1 intros, so that you can meet a variety of MIT startup folks: founders, team members, former founders, the curious ones, and the helpful ones. We'll cap the evening off with a round of asks & offers. Drink theme of the monthly - Bloody Mary (jazzy or virgin!)


MIT Alums:

Please make sure you are a current member of your local club before registering. If you are unsure please ask your club representative or if you would like to join MIT Club of Northern California, click here.


Event Closed

Date and Time

Thursday, September 03, 2020
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM PT

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Primary Contact

Ekaterina (Katia) Paramonova

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