Ali Michel BS ' 00
Product & User Experience Executive
- AM Design
Ali Michel is a Course 2 grad turned User Experience design executive. With her expertise, we will understand what MITCNC means to you, and how we can improve. Help Ali by filling out the MITCNC engagement survey.
Why did you decide to volunteer with the MITCNC?
MIT CNC is already a well-oiled machine that serves the MIT alumni community very well. Still, there are alumni who are underserved and therefore less engaged, including myself. Shuja reached out to ask for my help in taking a design thinking approach to improving member engagement. I decided to help because creating a more meaningfully engaging club would serve me as well as thousands of other MIT alumni in Northern California, especially during this challenging time.
Tell us a bit about your role with the MITCNC. What are your responsibilities in this position?
My responsibilities include conducting quantitative and qualitative research through member surveys and phone interviews, defining member personas, analyzing their needs, and helping Shuja and team find ways to support the different personas with new program topics and/or formats.
What exciting things can we expect to see from your area of focus in the coming months? (e.g., social events, speakers, etc.)
Expect to see additional programs which aim to support and engage a larger percentage of the thousands of MIT alumni in Northern California.
Describe one of your most memorable MIT moments.
I remember the snow day during the April Fool’s Day blizzard in 1997! I was a freshman that year and was in the middle of softball season. It was so memorable that we included snowflakes on the Class of 2000 Brass Rat.