Frequently Asked Questions

What is the membership period?
Membership -- for all levels -- is for one year from the date of joining OR one year is added to your current membership expiration date if you renew early.
Our Club Membership Year used to go from August 1 to July 31 of the following year but we moved to a "one-year membership from the date of joining" on July 31st, 2015.
I get the weekly emails. Am I a member?
If you paid your yearly dues OR submitted the registration form for one of the free memberships, you are a member, otherwise you're not.
There are around 12,000 Alums, Current Students, Current Parents of Students, and "Friends" of MITCNC who have a profile with the MIT Infinite Connection Database and may get our weekly email event listings. Even if you get our weekly mailing, if you haven't filled out the form yearly, you are just a constituent in our membership area, not a member of MITCNC.
How can I find out if I am a Current Member?
Verifying your membership status for this Club Year is easy. Just follow these steps:
Your dues are usually tax-deductible (check with your personal tax advisor to confirm).
Your dues are usually tax-deductible (check with your personal tax advisor to confirm). Verifying your membership status for this Club Year, which runs from August 1st to July 31st, is easy. Just follow these steps:
- Log in, using your MIT Infinite Connection username and password.
- Click on the Join or Renew link on the drop-down menu below the Membership tab.
- If you are a member, you will get a message saying so at the top of the page.
- If not, please click on the Join or Renew button and you will get a membership application form to fill out.
Note: You must be an MIT Alum to join the MIT Club of Northern California.
What are the membership levels and how much are they?
Free! Student:
If you are a current MIT student or an MIT Alum in graduate school, your membership is free. You receive the same benefits as a Regular Member. Please send a copy of your photo id to the VP Membership who will make you a member.
Free! Recent Grad:
If you graduated within the last year, your membership is free. You receive the same benefits as a Regular Member.
Free! Cardinal and Gray:
Anyone who graduated 50 years ago or more is eligible for Cardinal and Gray Membership. You receive the same benefits as a regular member.
$30 MIT10:
MIT10 membership carries the same benefits as Regular membership and is offered to alumni who graduated in the past 10 years.
$50 Regular:
This is our lowest membership level. It gets you into events at a lower price and allows you to attend some member-only events. It helps keep our club's finances healthy and supports the MITCNC scholarship fund. Last year we funded 6 scholarships awarded to current MIT Students living in Northern California.
$100 Patron:
This level provides the same benefits as Regular membership; however, $50 is donated to keep our club's finances in the black!
$200 Supporter:
This level provides the same benefits as Regular membership; however, $150 is donated to keep our club's finances in great shape!
$500 Benefactor:
This level provides the same benefits as Regular membership; however, $450 is donated to keep our club's finances in excellent shape!
$1.200 Partner:
This level provides the same benefits as Regular membership; however, $1150 is donated to keep our club's finances in excellent shape!
$3,600 Sponsor:
This level provides the same benefits as Regular membership; however, $3550 is donated to keep our club's finances in excellent shape!
Is my membership tax deductible?
The MIT Club of Northern California (MITCNC) is a non-profit, California corporation. Your membership fees, contributions to the Scholarship Fund, and other designated gifts to further the MITCNC's purposes constitute tax-deductible donations to the MITCNC as a 501(c)(3) organization. The MITCNC does not provide goods or services in consideration of these contributions. For more information contact your tax adviser or see the IRS publication on Exempt Organizations Charitable Contributions.
Can MITCNC membership dues be matched?
Yes. Some corporations will match the entire membership amount and some only the donation portion. Check with your employer's matching gifts program.
If MITCNC is not registered in your company's matching gifts program, please send an email to the VP of Membership with the organization we should contact to get registered.
Why should I become a member?
Our Club offers a broad spectrum of events for members and is a great way to stay connected with MIT and make new friends --or build on old friendships -- with fellow MIT Alums and other Friends of MIT. Signing up for membership entitles you to significant discounts for most of our events, featuring:
- Panel discussions and speaker events featuring topics in our professional tracks
- Lectures from visiting MIT professors and opportunities to mingle with MIT professors discussing their latest research,
- Special Tours,
- Fee-based Social Events,
- And other exclusive events and activities.
Our Club is 100% volunteer-run. Your dues cover the cost of the MITCNC Scholarship Program, Teacher Awards, and subsidized events like the Annual Meeting and the Welcome Event for Alums new to the area.
Support the MIT Club of Northern California and become a member now!