Affiliate Event
Energy Transition & Economics - Session 1
May 06 - Virtual Event




Offered jointly by the MIT Industrial Liaison Program (ILP) and MIT energy initiative (MITei)

The energy sector is facing unprecedented challenges, with a globally spreading COVID-19 pandemic and historically low energy prices, on top of a difficult transition towards a low carbon future that has been on-going before the crisis. Human kind will meet the challenge and hopefully come out of the other side in a better shape. Some of the key elements to achieve that is smart collaborations in technology development and innovation, and MIT is leading the way.

The MIT Industrial Liaison Program (ILP) and Energy Initiative (MITei) are pleased to present a special webinar series by assembling some of the world’s leading minds and researchers in the energy domain to present their views in three important themes : “Energy Transitions & Economics” (May 6th), “Innovations in Critical Low Carbon Technologies” (May 13th), and “Energy Storage Technologies” (May 21th), respectively.

You are cordially invited to participate in these webinar sessions to hear and discuss with the experts so together we will be able to better navigate these difficult times for a successful transition to a sustainable energy future after the current crisis.





8:00 AM PST - Introduction  CJ:
Changjie) Guo, Program Director, MIT Corporate Relations
8:05 AM PST - Combating Climate Change: Developing a Sustainable Energy Future
Robert Armstrong, Director, MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI), MIT Department of Chemical Engineering
8:35 AM PST - Decarbonization in a Post-Coronavirus World
Chris Knittel, Professor of Applied Economics, MIT Sloan School of Management
9:00 AM PST - Materials Supply Chain Considerations in the Energy Transition
Elsa Olivetti, Asst. Professor, MIT Department of Materials Science and Engineering
9:25 AM PST - Decarbonizing urban passenger transportation: Technology can only get you so far
Joanna Moody, Research Program Manager, MIT Mobility Systems Center


MIT COVID-19 Response Funds

In exchange for the value you receive from this event, we ask that you make a donation (in an amount of your choosing) to the MIT Covid-19 Response Funds.



Funds will support:

MIT COVID-19 Research Fund

Gifts to support MIT’s response to help with the Covid-19 crisis, including providing equipment, space, expertise, and other resources to local area hospitals and other health care providers. Contributions to this fund will supplement Institute resources that are already being applied to these immediate medical needs including through the Medical Outreach and Crisis Management Team led by Professor Elazer Edelman, such as donations of personal protective equipment. Gifts will also support the work of Project Manus under Professor Martin Culpepper for projects including the design and mass manufacture of disposable face shields.

MIT COVID-19 Emergency Fund

Gifts to support MIT faculty and researchers addressing various aspects of the Covid-19 pandemic, including vaccine development, portable ventilators, AI solutions, and improved protective equipment.

MIT Alums:

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Event Closed

Date and Time

Wednesday, May 06, 2020
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM PT

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