Meditation Practice, Finding a Stable Mind in a Tumultuous World
May 05 - Virtual Event

Meditation Practice, Finding a Stable Mind in a Tumultuous World

Check your mind!

Is your mind relaxed, spacious, content?

Or, are you experiencing anxiety, uncertainty and a rampant proliferation of thoughts?

Most of time, most of us experience some combination of both extremes.

We can probably all agree that our minds are the central “agent” that controls our body and speech and is the experiencer of our fluctuating emotions, hopes and fears. In meditation practice we engage various techniques to settle down, tame and even transform the mind’s busyness to become more peaceful, functional, capable and powerful. These practices can bring us mental ease in the near term and, over time, can accelerate the development and expansion of our inner positive qualities of loving kindness, compassion and wisdom.

During the Covid-19 Pandemic especially, although the external world is changing rapidly, is frightening and even more troubling than we are used to, it is possible to find comfort and ease by turning inward, and discovering the deep resources that we all already have, naturally.

Drawing on his 30 years of study and meditation practice under the guidance of Tibetan and Western teachers, Scott will introduce some meditation “exercises” largely drawn from a recently published book entitled, “Radical Happiness, a User’s Guide to the Mind”, by Phakchok Rinpoche and Erric Solomon. He will share some key points and stories from his experience and engage everyone in discussion.

All are welcome, no experience necessary!


MIT COVID-19 Response Funds

In exchange for the value you receive from this event, we ask that you make a donation (in an amount of your choosing) to the MIT Covid-19 Response Funds.



Funds will support:

MIT COVID-19 Research Fund

Gifts to support MIT’s response to help with the Covid-19 crisis, including providing equipment, space, expertise, and other resources to local area hospitals and other health care providers. Contributions to this fund will supplement Institute resources that are already being applied to these immediate medical needs including through the Medical Outreach and Crisis Management Team led by Professor Elazer Edelman, such as donations of personal protective equipment. Gifts will also support the work of Project Manus under Professor Martin Culpepper for projects including the design and mass manufacture of disposable face shields.

MIT COVID-19 Emergency Fund

Gifts to support MIT faculty and researchers addressing various aspects of the Covid-19 pandemic, including vaccine development, portable ventilators, AI solutions, and improved protective equipment.

MIT Alums:

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Event Closed

Date and Time

Tuesday, May 05, 2020
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM PT

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Primary Contact

Scott Globus


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